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Find your way with Maps & Atlases

19 Feb

By Kristen Vaughn

You haven’t even began reading yet, and I bet you’re wondering, “who’s this homeless guy” and “why do I care”.

Well, that’s no homeless guy; it’s lead singer Dave Davidson of Maps & Atlases.

He may not have the typical appearance of a lead singer, but his voice proves otherwise. Out of all the artists I’ve listened to, I cannot find a single one that compares to his unconventional sound.

Actually, the entire band itself is very “out-there”, not only with vocals and their quirky style; but with how they perform.

Each artist brings a dissimilar feel to the stage. Lead singer Dave Davison remaining stagnant, focusing on guitar rifts and vocals. Then to his side you’ll likely see bassist Shiraz Dada jumping around, rallying the crowd to join in.

Another bizarre aspect of the band is where they perform. If you search them online, you’ll find many videos of them performing on side streets, doorsteps, or in a circle in the grass.

In 2011, I had the pleasure of seeing them in New Haven and Philadelphia. At the end of each, the band would start packing up; leaving the audience to believe the concert was over. Then next thing you know, the entire band entered the center of the crowd and continued to play a small acoustic set. It gave the wow-factor of, “This band is really playing RIGHT next to me”, as well as leaving the concert on a calming note.

Off their new album, “Beware and be Grateful.”

Maps & Atlases: Fever (KEXP)

Features “Will” and “The Charm” strung together, the first two songs on their “Perch Patchwork” album.

Maps & Atlases: Will/The Charm

Dave Davison’s solo performance of “The Ongoing Horrible.”

Dave Davison: The Ongoing Horrible (Sargent House Glass Room Sessions)

One of their songs without lyrics, “Was.”

Maps & Atlases: Was (Big Ugly Yellow Couch)